Friday, October 28, 2011

Blog Post #10

Do You Teach or Educate
I thought this was a great video that really made you evaluate what you do as a teacher, and how you view teaching and educating. This class has opened my eyes. I want to be an educator not a teacher. We should not view our students as empty buckets needing to be filled. We should look at each with qualities and unique characteristics and ideas to contribute to their own education. I want to enlighten and inspire children encourage and empower them to use what they have and do it to the best of their ability. Failure is a part of learning, when you fall you learn what not to do next time. So if we keep them from falling when we can control it they will not know what to do when they fall and we are not there. We don't want to be the extinguisher of the flame but rather the one who kindles the flame. Thanks to this class I see this more profoundly than I did when we first began. Thank you for helping me to see that educating is so much more than teaching. My new passion is to be an educator, a mentor, a inspiration,a guide to any and all students.

Don't Let Them Take Pencils Home
This was kind of funny when I read it. Was Gertrude for real?? I guess she represents a lot of administration that does not really care about the students but just what their school looks like when the standardized testing scores come back. Please don't even get me started on standardized testing!!!! I think it is crazy to hang that much on a test that every child has to take and count it as 20% of their final grade in that subject at the end of the semester.That does not tell you if the child knows the material by one test that the state sends that the classroom teacher does not even know for sure what it will consist of. Anyway I think Tom Johnson agrees, he calls it the drill and kill test. I don't think that is one of his concerns at all. He cares more about the students and their ability to explore and learn by doing things. He wants it to spill over into the family that they will all have a greater desire to obtain knowledge and understanding. They will explore things together, it is never to late to learn and explore the world of endless opportunities.

Students are the only ones being hung in this "teaching" world!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

C4T Summary # 3

My teacher was Jabiz Raisdana and the blog I commented on was the Conduit to Reality I really loved this one he had so much insight and I loved that he was vulnerable enough to ask for comments and replied to all of them. Basically he wanted to know from people who to find the balance between technology and nature, and why some people feel we should choose one over the other. He had some good points about needing both and how important it was for students to experience life outside the walls of a classroom and out from behind a computer screen. I agreed with him on many of the points he made and I thought his blog was helpful to me. It helped me to think about that balance and how to help my students achieve this in their lives in this ever changing world that we live in. Yes we need technology it is a vital part of our world today, but nature and our out of the box experiences in this world are also priceless and needed to be well rounded and well adjusted.
His second post that I commented on was Ban Clipart. I guess I had never really thought about this issue but he made a good point. He said in the post that digital pictures were much better than clip art when trying to engage your audience. He gave an example and I agree with him. His opinion was that clip art should be banned from the classroom.


These were the examples he gave. What's your opinion??

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Blog Post #9

What I've Learned this Year 2008-2009
The first post I chose to read was Mr.Mclung's first year of teaching post from 2009. I decided on this one because I will be that first year teacher hopefully in a few years and I found his post very helpful for a new teacher.In the beginning of the post he says that he made a decision to stay positive. I feel like this is an important factor to anything we endeavor to do in life we should always try and stay positive no matter what the situation. A good attitude goes a long way.
He made several points in his post and here is my attempt to summarize them.
The first was How to Read the Crowd. He felt that educators should make lesson more student centered. Read the crowd and be sure the students are understanding what is being taught.
Be Flexible
Don't beat yourself up when things don't always turn out like you think they should. Always be positive and try and make the best of the situation. Use it as a learning experience for both you and the student. Take away something that can help you in your future endeavors.
Be sure to form good healthy relationships with your colleagues and your students. Both are important for maintaining a good work environment.
Be Reasonable
Don't set expectations and standard so high that they are unreachable for students. Failure is part of the learning process. When kids mess up encourage them to keep trying.
Don't Be Afraid of Technology
I am sure that this was Dr. Strange favorite part of the blog. He write how we as classroom teachers should not be afraid to embrace technology. He encourages us not to be discouraged when we don't understand it all at the beginning, but don't give up.
Listen to Your Students
For some students we may be the only one they can talk to that truly is listening. Children's home lives sometimes are not always the best of situations. Be sensitive to the needs of your students. Be concerned with getting to know your students on a more personal level.
Never Stop Learning
This was personally my favorite part of the blog. I feel like all of his points were important but unless we are willing to learn and be open to new experiences all of the other usually won't work out. We really can't expect our students to want to learn unless we are going to show our vulnerability and willingness to learn ourselves.
What I've Learned 2009-2010
He talked about how that year had been a year of first for him and how he had to be willing to make it work by adapting. He had to be willing to step out of his comfort zone and adapt his teaching styles to fit more independent Jr. high students. Sometimes it doesn't come easy but you have to make an effort to make the learning experience more than just survival mode.

Be more relaxed with planning. Let students think for themselves. Leave your own personal opinions and feelings outside of the classroom. Encourage students to use their minds, think and search answers. It does not always have to be the quote "right answer".
Find Your School Mom
I thought this was funny, but I can see where it would be very helpful for a first year teacher to have someone who is looking out for their best interest. You need someone who has been there in that environment for a while that can help to teach you the dynamics of that school. This person would be the one to go to with questions and concerns. Someone who is on your side. Treat them good and they will do the same for you.
Check Your Ego At The Door
Sometimes we have to let students see us in a more down to earth way. We may have to act out of character sometimes to keep kids attention or focus on the subject. Even if we feel stupid sometimes it is all worth it for kids to remember what we are teaching.
Don't Be A Control Freak
Don't try to control every little detail in the classroom. Give students some freedom. Trust students to perform some of the classroom task on their own. Although we should maintain a certain amount of control, trusting students helps them to become more independent learners.
Scope & Sequence
Make sure to keep a balance when teaching all subject matters. No matter what your personal preferences all subjects should be given the proper amount of time so that when being assessed students will have adequately been taught the material.
Dont Lose Sight of What is Important
Though he encountered adversity with administration he kept his students and his performance in the classroom his focus. Adversity makes it easy for us to sometimes get off track, b ut in this profession the students would be the ones to suffer.
It is What You Learn After You Know it All That Really Matters
Don't ever get to comfortable in your profession. Always be willing to listen to the advice of others who are more experienced than you. Constructive criticisms should make us better not bitter. We always have room for improvement. If you think you have arrived you may need to recheck your location. Sources:(Mr.Mclung)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Blog Post #8

This is How We Dream Part 1 Richard E Miller
This was an interesting video series. I really thought about the question you wanted us to ask ourselves. I had to go back and watch the videos a few more times trying to really understand the message. The question was "Are you prepared to write with multimedia?" When I began to think of the word writing I was not sure of all that entailed. So I looked it up and the definition said Writing- that which is written characteristics of matter written with a pen or the like.That lead me to the definition of Write which is to trace or form (characteristics letters words) on the surface of some materials as with a pen, pencil or other instrument or means. So there I was back to the question and back to the dictionary to look up Multimedia which is defined combined media such as sound full motion video in computer applications. So with my curiosity hightened and a real desire to understand I kept on looking for more Then I came across this interesting you tube video.
After watching this it came together in my head(sometimes it takes me a while and a lot of research before things come together). It helps people see the world in different ways. When you think about the opportunities this opens up it is amazing and wonderful. Sometimes it is writing without words. I never thought this was really possible but now I get it. Pictures and sound can write a story too!! WOW I love when I have a revelation. Even on simple things in life. That's one thing that makes life worth living "discovery". So in response to the first question I would have to honestly answer no, I am not fully ready or prepared to write with multimedia but I am a lot more knowledgeable about it today than I was yesterday. That makes me happy :) I feel like I have something to give my students, something that will open up a world of endless opportunity for them. So that leads me to your next question "Will your students be able to do this?" I think they will. I think kids are eager to learn and love being engaged in technology. Multimedia writing is fun to them. Paper and pencil is boring in their eyes.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I enjoyed this video. I thought it was interesting to see and hear these educators as they expressed their opinions on change. I am a people reader. I usually read people pretty well so when I am just listening I would rather watch so I can read your body language and expressions. I truly felt like most of the people on the video were passionate and dedicated to thee cause of change in learning. The quote from one of the people on the video was it was an exciting time
the death of education and the dawn of learning

Are we willing to work for change? Or is it just too hard?

Blog Post #12 Carley Pugh
I loved her playlist idea, it was really great. I actually watched and enjoyed them all. I especially loved "When I Grow Up" it was awesome. I don't want to miss God's direction that's for sure. They all make you think and everyone started the same way I am sure that no one aspires as a child to be bad things. We all make choices. We all may be thinking how does this tie in to our class but it is just what we are here to do. For those kids who are heading down the wrong path we can give them tools to open up their worlds. They can see that anyone can have opportunity in our world. Mostly all you have to do is be willing to learn and eager to succeed. I loved her idea of her students rewriting the ending of a famous story or novel. GREAT!! I would love to read these. I hope she does this and publishes a book of her students work. Wouldn't that be awesome!! I will be on the lookout for this in the future. She is on the right road for multimedia writing I think Dr. Miller would be proud of her efforts and ideas. It's amazing what a lazy day in pajamas and wheaties will do for you. She saved the best for last with the 6 Questions For Everyday I think everyone should watch this video and take it to heart. If we all lived our lives asking these questions our world would be a better place. In the words of Carly
good teachers teach by example. Thanks Carly Pugh, great insight for all who aspire to be a good teacher.

The Chipper Series
This was a great example of how most students view their learning experience and life. Thankfully I have experienced a little of the real world before returning to school to pursue my degree, but I was the same way and to some extent I guess it brought to light some things that I still may have thought when we first started the class. I love how chipper always had these big plans but was never willing to give the time nor effort to succeed. I never thought about it in the way of teach me so I don't have to learn. I use to think it was teach me so I can learn until this class. I can honestly say that offended me when we started until I really thought about my years of education and how I so called "learned". I realized you were right that is what we want to shove it in and regurgitate it back on a test and forget it. But when you are a part of the learning process it becomes a part of you and not easily forgotten. You know that we need the knowledge poured in because we are empty with nothing to give right? This is the wrong approach. Students have life experience and personality and knowledge to contribute to the classroom and learning.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Post #7

Randy Pausch Last Lecture
I have to start by saying WOW!!! This was a very inspiring video. It was very emotional for me. In my opinion any speaker that can evoke emotion, good or bad, at least has the attention of the audience. I definietly think Mr. Pausch had full attention.
This whole lecture was enlightening and full of wonderful life lessons. The main thing that I came away with was his passion for teaching,learning,and having fun while doing both of these things.
He talked about childhood dreams and achieving all of his but he also gave the same significance to him helping others achieve their dreams. His selfless nature is rare in our society. The desire to see others succeed and achieve more than yourself is not something you see most people wanting.Most are on their way to the top and don't care how they have to get there and who they have to step on in the process. So it was a breath of fresh air to know there are still some good souls in our world today who care about others.
Mr. Pausch gave a lot to the world of technology with his work in virtual reality that extended beyond just his classroom. Though he did that I think he gave the most to the people who had the privilege of knowing him.I thought it was phenomenal how he was able to achieve his childhood dreams in some shape or form. It makes you evaluate some of those dreams that you had let go of and just shrugged off as kid stuff or unattainable. It also made me more aware of my children and what their dreams are. I vow not to dismiss their dreams as just talk but to encourage them and help make those things happen for them. I don't want to stop there but for my future students to encourage them to dream and dream big. To help them in the avenues that I have access to and forge paths that I don't. I came away with a sense that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard enough.
"Don't compain just work harder." Randy Pausch
The whole speech was basically telling us it not all about the dreams it is about how we live our life. He also made it clear at the end that he did that for his children. I am sure that his children watch that proudly and see what a wonderful example their father was and how his legacy will live on through them. I believe the standing ovation at the end speaks for it's self that he was well loved and respected as an educator,colleague,and friend. When you come away from anything wanting to be better I think the speaker or teacher has done their job.
"When you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening".Randy Pausch

Friday, October 7, 2011

C4T Summary #2

Blogging: 6 Reasons It's Not Just For Adults
In this post he makes the argument that if blogging has been beneficial for him as an educator it could also be beneficial to students. He highlights 6 reason that blogging is not just for adults.The first he mentions is thinking aloud. I think this is just kind of taking your thoughts and putting them down in sentence form. All of the thoughts and ideas floating around in your head can be expressed. Reflection is a big part I think of the blogging experience. It gives students a time to think about and summarize maybe what they have learned or witnessed. Inquiry was next which has been very interesting. It is funny when your words start coming and your thoughts come together how many new questions you pose for yourself and others to ponder and research.
Being able to share blogs with a global audience is a huge part of the experience for students.For a student to be able to communicate closely with others from all over the world and have their feedback and input into their work and lives is amazing. Which brings us to his next point feedback is important. The advice we can get to help us along whatever path we may be on. Last but not least the pursuit of passion. Everyone needs something they are passionate about. Something that drives them on the inside. This allows an avenue to connect with those who may share that same passion and drive. Years ago that would have never been an option for students.What an awesome responsibility we have as educators to share this knowledge with our students to open up this new and exciting world for students of all ages.

His second blog that I had to comment on was Have High Expectations? Provide High Support.
In this blog he encouraged teachers to have high expectations of their students but follow it up by giving them the support they need to meet those expectations. To do this we have to really get involved in the children's lives. He encourages to get to know students on an individual basis. You never know what a caring word or deed can do for some of these kids that have no support system at home. A lot of students get mixed up in a bad crowd just looking for acceptance. I think we as educators can help fill this void by being available in every way to kids that are in need. Be a mentor set obtainable goals and keep moving standards higher. Coach them in the way to make success a possibility. Do whatever it takes to ensure the success of our students.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Project #10 PLN

I really loved creating my PLN. Every time I think I have all of the websites that I often use I find myself thinking and discovering new ones to add. It's actually kind of fun and makes your time used in research much more efficient. I will admit when I first read that we had to do this I was thinking I dint need a PLN, but now that I have it I use it everyday. I am learning some great lessons in this class. One of the most important is to try new things!! Don't be afraid to give technology a try. Actually a lot of the assignments are interesting and informative. This knowledge has already helped me with my school work and my view of what technology is all about. My view have changed a lot since the first day of class. I am excited to teach my students one day about setting up their own PLN.

Project 9b Timeline