Friday, November 18, 2011

Blog Post #13

My Teacher Is an App
As a parent,student, and a future educator I found this article very surreal. I can not really believe the statistics in this article that there areas many as 30 states that offer for students to take all of their classes online. Some of these states even require that public high school students take at least one to two online classes in preparation for college. More than 250,000students are enrolled in online virtual schools. I guess I really did not realize that this was a reality for a lot of students. This has come about in an effort to cut budgets, and because of the under performance of students in the United States compared to others worldwide. Advocates for these schools argue that by implementing these schools it could save states money, give students customized curriculum, and give the parents more choice in their child's education. Some critics say that the students in these schools do not get enough socialization or group interaction with other students and also that kids enrolled in online schools have overall lower standardized test scores. They also say they make less academic progress from year to year when compared to peers of the same age or grade. In response to these claims advocates say this is due to the previous education in traditional schools. I think maybe they should do a study on individual students and their scores in traditional school setting compared to their scores in the online classroom. It may provide more insight on the results of test. One proposed solution to the problem is hybrid schooling. I like this idea. It gives students a chance to experience the socialization of the traditional school and the advantage of technology. From all indications of this article the hybrid schools seemed well adjusted and their students were reported to making average to above average scores on standardized test. I think it is a personal choice families should make for their children. I don't think this kind of schooling would be appropriate for all children because children all flourish in different environments. I am not sure if it is just the thought of "change" or being comfortable in what you are use to. I am sure for most of us as parents the thought of school totally on computer is scary. From the article I got the feeling that most people are more worried about the social aspect of no classroom than the learning aspect of it. As a future educator it is a little worrying since the teaching field is already full of individuals looking for jobs. What does the future hold for classroom teachers? Although many advocates for online learning say there will still be a need for teachers, I am not exactly what that role would fully consist of. In the words of Rosie Lowden "The computer can't do it alone." It comes down to a students willingness to self motivate and stay on top of learning. I know in my own experience with online classes many of them are much more involved than the ones I attend on campus. You have to be dedicated and willing to learn in a new way.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Smart Board Project Part 2 Project #15

Additional Post #1

Metaphors!!! I like them, in this case I guess I missed it because I was'nt looking for it. Actually the I did parallel the pencils with computers in my head but I did not write it on my post. I thought about it but then I second guessed myself and thought I was trying to overthink the assignment. I thought he could have been writing about something in the past. Anyway I missed it and next time I think I will go with my first instinct. I guess in response to why did the class miss the metaphor maybe some of them were like me not really looking for it, having their mind on something else and not fully comprehending or thinking about what they were reading.
A definition of a metaphor is a word or phrase usally meaning one thing used to mean something different. One thing representing another.
In response to Jennifer's question "Why not put it into words we all understand?" I would have to say because metaphors add interest to what we are saying. They also add to our lives and conversations.
Metaphors I have encountered since the assignment:
-time is a theief
-solid as a rock
-sweet as pie
-a new lease on life
-kindred spirit
-a walk in the clouds
-between the lines
- a turning point
- dance in the rain
-shades of grey
- in a fog
-America the melting pot
-dead tired
I think one way we can help our students identify metaphors is to expose them to literature that has metaphors and explain after reading what they are and how they are used. Also I think it is good for them to know sometimes they won't make sense to us. That sometimes we use them for things that have no common ground.We must also be sure to point out the diffrences in metaphors and similes. Similes are usally comparing something where metaphors state that something is another thing. Using music or visual aids may also be helpful when teaching students about metaphors. We use metaphors all of the time in our daily language, music, and literature. I think they are useful and make life and conversations interesting for all of us.

Monday, November 14, 2011

C4K Summary #3

Shayne @ Pt.England School
Shayne had a lot of interesting blogs on his page some talking about sports Aussie Rules last term and the most recent was about his favorite brand of shoe. Nike was his favorite and he posted an interesting picture posted with his blog with blinking changing colors.

This was my Summary for my first post Mrs. Yollis Class.
Mrs. Yollis third grade class blog was incredible.

I know she would not particularly like a comment like that but I plan to elaborate. Mrs Yollis a veteran teacher of 25 years prides herself on being a student one who never stops learning. I have come across people before that felt they were too smart to learn. Ha Ha !! I know that sounds totally crazy but that is how some people think. Mrs. Yollis attitude of lifelong learning helps her students relate to her in my opinion. She is a world traveler who is always looking for ways to improve her teaching and the quality of education she is able to give her students. There was a link that lead to her website and had a lot of good tips for teachers wanting to pursue technology in their classrooms. There was also lots of games to explore with your children. She claims "Open House" was her motivation to start her class blog. She explained how open house was exciting for parents, students, and teachers. The students seemed so excited to show their work and the blog is a way parents can stay connected on a daily basis. The educational pluses for the blog include students being able to revisit lessons when they read their blogs and the audience of their writings is so much broader than just the teacher. Students also learn how to navigate around the internet and they are able to present digital information in a variety of new ways. Students enjoy tracking their visitors with the cluster map in comparison they have had 72,060 and our class 48,860. I guess they are more interesting than we are. On the section of how to comment she walked you through the proper way to leave comments. Letter writing form is how she likes her students to practice leaving comments. This consist of greeting, body, closing and signature. A good comment should add information to the post, compliment the writer or ask a question. She explains how she only uses the children's first names and that you should never use personal information on a post. Parents are alerted when there are new post from the kids and encouraged to comment on these post. She also uses blogging buddies in the classroom to help each other with comments. Not showing good writing skills could cause a rejection in your comment. She motivates the class by offering extra points to the best blog. The students seemed very involved and their post were very good. I loved the section for the joke of the day, my children love it too. When I went and checked the blog out today I saw where the class had skyped with a class in Victoria, Australia. They shared information about America and Australia. I can only imagine how exciting this must have been for the students.
My comment this week was about fall. The question asked was why do trees leaves change colors. In my comment I explained that the absence of chlorophyll in the leaves makes them show colors that were already present. Also trapped glucose along with sunlight and cool fall night cause the purple and red leaves. I also complimented Mrs. Yollis and the whole class on their wonderful blog.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Skype Inverview

I interviewed Mr. John Hobbs from Chickasaw School of Math and Science for my Skype. We had technical difficulties and when we finally got everything working and the interview went great and was very informative. I made a mistake and it did not capture our conversation like I thought I was. I have tried everything but I somehow did not do it right. Mr. Hobbs was having computer issues and had to go to a computer with a web cam to skype, so he was not able to do the interview again. Is there anyway to view your previous skype conversations? From all indications you can not view any old ones they have to be recorded at the time. I really don't know what to do, I have completed all my other assignments and have put a lot of time and effort into this one but have fallen short. Unless there is a way to get the interview that we did previously I will not be able to post this interview. I will keep trying but I wanted to post this so it would be known what my current status for this project is.
This was Mr.Hobbs Education and Bio:
I am a graduate of Citronelle High School.

I recieved my B.S. Degree in Elementary Education from the University of South Alabama.

My name is John Hobbs. This is my 6th year teaching at Chickasaw School. I am married with a daughter named Haiden, and sons named Sidney & John Marc. I graduated from the University of South Alabama with a B.S. in Elementary Education. I am also a youth pastor at Living Word Church in Citronelle. I coach baseball, basketball, and football at Lott Middle School. My favorite things to do are spend time with my family, watch college football, and play sports.

Roll Tide Roll!!

2009 National Champions

I know this will not count as the skype interview, but I wanted it to be known that I made an effort to do the assignment.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Project #16 Progress Report

For our project we have chosen to do how to convince parents to get on board with technology in the classroom. We plan to interview parents, teachers, and students from our local school to talk about fears or drawbacks they may have to technology being in the classroom. We also want to enlighten them to the many benefits of technology in the classroom. We have a plan to interview and have contacts already set up for the interview of these individuals. We also plan to compose a take home letter and a waiver that our future students would take home for their parents to sign to cover all the legal issues we can add this to our project. Any suggestions or feedback on what you think about this idea for the project would be very helpful.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

C4K #10

Mrs. Yollis third grade class blog was incredible.

I know she would not particularly like a comment like that but I plan to elaborate. Mrs Yollis a veteran teacher of 25 years prides herself on being a student one who never stops learning. I have come across people before that felt they were too smart to learn. Ha Ha !! I know that sounds totally crazy but that is how some people think. Mrs. Yollis attitude of lifelong learning helps her students relate to her in my opinion. She is a world traveler who is always looking for ways to improve her teaching and the quality of education she is able to give her students. There was a link that lead to her website and had a lot of good tips for teachers wanting to pursue technology in their classrooms. There was also lots of games to explore with your children. She claims "Open House" was her motivation to start her class blog. She explained how open house was exciting for parents, students, and teachers. The students seemed so excited to show their work and the blog is a way parents can stay connected on a daily basis. The educational pluses for the blog include students being able to revisit lessons when they read their blogs and the audience of their writings is so much broader than just the teacher. Students also learn how to navigate around the internet and they are able to present digital information in a variety of new ways. Students enjoy tracking their visitors with the cluster map in comparison they have had 72,060 and our class 48,860. I guess they are more interesting than we are. On the section of how to comment she walked you through the proper way to leave comments. Letter writing form is how she likes her students to practice leaving comments. This consist of greeting, body, closing and signature. A good comment should add information to the post, compliment the writer or ask a question. She explains how she only uses the children's first names and that you should never use personal information on a post. Parents are alerted when there are new post from the kids and encouraged to comment on these post. She also uses blogging buddies in the classroom to help each other with comments. Not showing good writing skills could cause a rejection in your comment. She motivates the class by offering extra points to the best blog. The students seemed very involved and their post were very good. I loved the section for the joke of the day, my children love it too. When I went and checked the blog out today I saw where the class had skyped with a class in Victoria, Australia. They shared information about America and Australia. I can only imagine how exciting this must have been for the students.
My comment this week was about fall. The question asked was why do trees leaves change colors. In my comment I explained that the absence of chlorophyll in the leaves makes them show colors that were already present. Also trapped glucose along with sunlight and cool fall night cause the purple and red leaves. I also complimented Mrs. Yollis and the whole class on their wonderful blog.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog Post #12

I chose to do this blog assignment on negative effects of using technology in the classroom. I feel like we have spent a lot of time arguing for technology in the classroom (which I fully agree with) but I wanted to explore the other side of it in this assignment.

Student should read Negative Effects of Using Technology in Today's Classroom as you read think about your feelings on the points that are raised. After reading write a post summarizing the article and your personal thoughts and feelings about what was written. It may be helpful to also read the comments that were left. Follow the requirements of Writing A Quality Blog Post.

My Post:
Negative Effects of Using Technology in Today's Classrooms
I thought this was fairly interesting. Though I did not think the points made in the post were really negative effects, I found them more of a warning to teachers of the potential things that could happen when using technology in the classroom. The author made three points in their post. The first was "Takes Away Learning Time". I agreed with this point. Some students are at different levels and have different skills when it comes to technology. In most cases it goes back to how much do they use technology outside of the school, especially for younger students.They argue that problems that come along with computers and internet technical difficulties take away from valuable teaching time. I see the point here. I know that in my own experience computers in the schools are sometimes old and take a lot of time to get to what you want them to do or freeze up in the middle of it. So that could be a good reason or argument against using technology on a daily basis.
The second thing was "Overuse". His argument here is that sometimes technology is overused and some students require physical and mental interaction with what is being taught. The author feels
Technology should be used to supplement the classroom curriculum, but should not be used as the sole source of learning.
I agree that technology should not be the sole source of learning but I also feels that students can still be physically and mentally involved while learning through technology.
The third thing was students sometimes have a "Game Mentality" toward computers and technology. I have also witnessed this with students. I feel part of that falls on the shoulders of the parents and teachers. I know in my own experiences when I have been in the computer lab with students observing most of the time they are playing games, educational games, but still games none the less. I think students should be introduced to new areas of technology. They should know that there is so much more opportunity while using the computer than just playing games. So yes I do feel that some students may lose focus easily if not monitored and given proper instruction but I don't feel that would be a reason to omit technology from the classroom.
I feel the author had some good points which I agreed with but like I said earlier they were more of warnings than reasons not to incorporate technology in the classroom. We should as classroom teachers take all of these things into consideration but not let them hold us back from introducing technology to our students.

Monday, November 7, 2011

C4T Summary #4

The first blog I read was Basemaps for Garmin GPS by Jen Deyenberg.She talked about students using maps and getting out and exploring the outside. The maps she has located gave her students opportunity to add their own personal community or class trips to them. I liked her emphasis on her student outside exploring and mapping. I think this is an important part of education exploration. Kids need to explore and discover, and then they have the opportunity using technology to look at it on a broad mapping view and add their personal touches to it.


I had the same teacher for this post. She talked about teaching the kids about World War II and how they came up with a kind of game to play to help them learn and work together.It was geocaching activity used to teach and review things about the war.There were six themes and at each cache there were right and wrong answers. Students had to come together to decide which were right and which were wrong.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Blog Post #11

Ms. Cassidy's Class of First Graders
I will have to be honest I was really amazed at these first graders. I am the mother of a first grader who goes to a Mobile County Public School and I have been shocked since I have begun this class to see how far behind our schools are in technology in comparison with other kids around the world. I guess it makes me even more determined to incorporate technology in my own classroom and with my children at home. I see how important being technologically literate is for students in today's world. I want my own children and all the students that I teach to have the best possible opportunity in life. Their little blog post were awesome. I would love to be able to get online and read the blog of my first grader that day. I have to wait until she fills up a journal notebook and it gets sent home to read anything from the year or see her feelings that day drawn out in a picture. I think it gives parents greater access to help their child. Even on a daily basis their feelings can be displayed and understood that day instead of two months later when you cant even remember what was going on at that time. I love it, as a parent and also as a future educator. Why do you think some kids and classrooms are on the ball while others have no desire or lag behind? My thoughts are that teaching kids about technology takes effort and dedication that some teachers don't have or want. I know the day is full I have observed this in my field experience, but I also think time is waste in some areas that could be put to good use and favorable for the students and their future. As you may have gathered by now I really enjoyed the video and I think kids are highly underestimated by adults.

Mr. Cassidy Skype Conversation

The conversation was very interesting and I agreed with a lot of her points of view. She told how she started 10 years ago when she was given 5 computers for her classroom. She made that a center for her students and used the internet to engage them in many new activities. It took effort on her part and she continues today with her students blogging and making web pages. I thought her fearless personality was awesome and I found it interesting when she talked about a lot of the administration did not encourage or discourage they just simply were not interested in technology. That is where I think a huge portion of the problem lies. Some educators are not self motivated to do as Ms.Cassidy has done and their is no push from administration to incorporate technology. She spoke of protecting the children and the waivers that she gives at the start of the year which is something I had not thought of but am now aware I should do for my own class. She told how both parents and students loved the blogs and how it also served as a online portfolio for the student. We as educators should take her advice and know that the world is ever changing and kids don't learn the way they did years ago. I like the phrase she used that the students don't have to "power down" when coming to school. They get so much stimulation technology wise outside of school and then we expect them to come in and be excited about learning with just books and pencil and paper. Their little minds aren't there anymore they are beyond that. We can not hold most of their attention anymore with our old ways. I thought her interview was insightful and thought provoking for myself and the future of my classroom success.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

C4K Summary 2

My first blog was randomly selected by the fruit machine and it was Abby's Blog about her 6th grade science class. I commented on her experiment blog. She and her lab partners were using a water bottle filled with vinegar and baking soda and a balloon. When you fill the bottle half way with vinegar and out baking soda in the balloon and cover the top of the bottle with the balloon it should blow the balloon up. I commented and told her I would be checking back to see how the experiment worked. My second blog was the assigned one and it was Peyton's Blog about why smoking is bad for you. He told about smoking being the single most preventable cause of cancer. He also told of other complications and how long some would have to wait for lung transplants. I think it is wonderful that these kids are getting this experience so young.
My second blog was Haliey's Blog. SHe was writing a descriptive story about playing soccer. I thought she did a great job of making her audience feels like they were there with her feeling the breeze and the anticipation in the air.

My third kid was Kyan from Rm9 Miss Priscilla Lavakula's year three class. I commented on his animation of the Australian Outback. I thought he did a really good job. He used a variety of animals found in the out back and made them move across the screen at different times to music. If I were not in this class, and did not know how difficult that could potentially be especially for a child I may would not have the same opinion. But I am in this class and I realize that it takes time and effort to make even the simplest of animations.

The last week I had Spencer111. His blog was Research Conundrum: Bias Mike Gwaltney's History class in Portland,Oregon. He talked about how there can be different views on the same information. How the author of articles biased opinions could sway how the article is written and how you as a reader perceives the information. He also had good illustrations and sources that talked about subtle ways the biased opinions are pushed. I thought he did an excellent job on the post and encouraged him to keep up the great work. These kids have amazed me at how much they know about technology and how willing they are to use it if someone gives them the chance.